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Revere Soccer Club

Welcome to the Academy Program Information Page!

The Revere Soccer Club's Academy Program is designed to introduce the game of soccer and teach basic soccer skills.  Our professional coaches will help the group develop skills as simple as dribbling and shooting, and, as they get older, introduce basic rules and competitive play.

Players are placed by age into the following Divisions using this chart.

For the FALL 2024/SPRING 2025  season year, RSC offers these Academy Divisions:

DivisionFALL 2024
Birth Year
Birth Year
U6 Coed Academy2019*2020-2019**
U7 Coed Academy20182018
U8-U9 Boys Academy2017-20162017-2016
U8-U9 Girls Academy2017-20162017-2016

*For the Fall season, U6 players must be registered for Fall Kindergarten or of U6 age.  Players younger than U6 and Pre-School players will not be eligible to play until the Spring season.
**For the Spring season only, Kindergarten players of U5 age and Pre-School players entering Kindergarten in the upcoming Fall are eligible to play.

RSC will provide a jersey to all players each Fall season and only to new players in the Spring season.  For more information on Academy uniforms please check out the Uniform Information and Expectations page.

All players will be required to bring their own soccer ball (size 3 for U6/7 and size 4 for U8/9), shin guards and water to drink during water breaks.  Please make sure to write your child's first and last name on their soccer ball and water bottles in permanent marker so that we can make sure any misplaced or forgotten items get back to you in a timely fashion.

U6 Academy Program

The U6 Academy Program is an Academy style program designed to develop confidence, coordination and comfort with a soccer ball.  Emphasis will be on foot-skills, dribbling, shooting and good sportsmanship.  This program is co-ed and Revere Soccer Club provides professional and parent coaching support each session.

Where: Richfield Woods Park
When: Saturday morning sessions start mid-August

Where: Richfield Woods Park
When: Saturday morning sessions start mid-April

U7 Academy Program

The U7 Academy Program is an Academy style program designed to develop confidence, coordination and comfort with a soccer ball.  Emphasis will be on foot-skills, dribbling, shooting and good sportsmanship.  This program is co-ed and Revere Soccer Club provides professional and parent coaching support each session.

Where: Richfield Woods Park
When: Saturday morning sessions start mid-August

Where: Richfield Woods Park
When: Saturday morning sessions start mid-April

U8-U9 Academy Program

The U8/U9 Soccer Academy Program includes Academy style training and adds small-sided soccer games to introduce players to the basic rules of the game and introduce competitive play that will help prepare them for the Travel program the following year.  Boys and Girls will be separated into two separate groups for training and games.  Training will include one weekday practice per week and Saturday morning games, weather permitting.  Revere Soccer Club provides professional coaching support for weekday training and parent volunteers coach during games and manage team communications. 

Where: Richfield Woods Park
When: Weekday practices (typically Tuesday or Wednesday evenings), Saturday morning sessions start mid-August

Where: Richfield Woods Park
When: Weekday practices (typically Tuesday or Wednesday evenings), Saturday morning sessions start mid-April

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